Course e-book 1: Health workers, conflict and peace

Salvage J, Rowson M and Melf K (eds), published 2012 in UK by Medact, London.

ISBN 978-0-9571478-8-1

Course e-book 2: Medicine, health and human rights

Salvage J, Rowson M, Melf K and Birch M (eds), published 2012 in UK by Medact, London.

ISBN 978-0-9571478-0-5


Course e-book 3: War, weapons and conflict strategies

Salvage J, Rowson M, Melf K and Wilmen A (eds), published 2012 in UK by Medact, London.

ISBN 978-0-9571478-4-3

Course e-book 4: Structural violence and the underlying causes of violent conflict

Salvage J, Rowson M, Melf K and Sandøy I (eds), published 2012 in UK by Medact, London.

ISBN 978-0-9571478-7-4

Course e-book 5: Peace through Health in violent conflict

Salvage J, Rowson M, Melf K, Ertner G and Palosaari E (eds), published 2012 in UK by Medact, London.

ISBN 978-0-9571478-1-2

Course e-book 6: Refugee and migration challenges

Salvage J, Rowson M, Melf K and Birch M (eds), published 2012 in UK by Medact, London.

ISBN 978-0-9571478-3-6

Course e-book 7: Prevention of interpersonal & self-directed violence

Salvage J, Rowson M and Melf K (eds), published 2012 in UK by Medact, London.

ISBN 978-0-9571478-6-7



The Medical Peace Work textbook, 2nd edition

The Medical Peace Work textbook was first published in 2008 as an integral part of the MPW online course with seven modules. The 2nd edition (2012) consists of seven independent, but interlinked MPW course e-books.

The Medical Peace Work textbook, 2nd edition was published in UK by Medact, London. 

Design: Ianessa Norris


Suggested citation of textbook lessons:

[author] (2012). [lesson title]. In [eds.]. The Medical Peace Work textbook, 2nd edition, Course [No.]: [Course title]. London, Medact. Available at, accessed [date].


If you have problems with opening the e-books or when you want to download them onto your computer, please read one of the following instructions:


© 2012

All rights reserved. Permission is granted for noncommercial reproduction, translation and distribution of the whole or part of the courses, as long as is given credit. does not guarantee that the information in these courses is complete and correct and shall not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of its use.


The Medical Peace Work textbook was funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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